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Re-using Candles

Updated: May 3, 2023

Candles are a popular household item that can be used for a variety of purposes. However, once the candle has burned down, many people throw away the remaining wax and container. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of reusing candles and provide tips on how to do so effectively.

Benefits of Reusing Candles

  1. Saves Money - Reusing candles can save you money in the long run by reducing the need to purchase new candles.

  2. Eco-Friendly - Repurposing old candles is an environmentally friendly option as it reduces waste.

  3. Creative Outlet - Repurposing candles can provide a creative outlet for those who enjoy DIY projects.

How to Reuse Candles

  1. Make new candles - Melt the remaining wax in a double boiler or a candle warmer and pour it into a new container with a new wick. You can add fragrance or color to create a unique candle.

  2. Create wax melts - If you prefer wax melts to candles, you can pour the melted wax into a wax warmer and use it for fragrance.

  3. Emergency candle - In the event of a power outage, you can pour the melted wax into a container with a wick to create an emergency candle.

  4. Repurpose the container - The container can be cleaned and repurposed for a variety of uses, such as a pen holder, a plant pot, or a makeup brush holder.

  5. Wax seal - Use the melted wax to create a wax seal on envelopes or packages for a personalised touch.

  6. Create art - Melted wax can be used as a medium for creating art, such as painting or sculpture.

Tips for Reusing Candles

  1. Avoid mixing scents - When reusing candles, it's important to avoid mixing scents as this can result in an unpleasant aroma.

  2. Use high-quality wicks - To ensure that the new candle burns evenly, use a high-quality wick that is appropriate for the size of the container.

  3. Add fragrance - To add fragrance to a new candle, consider adding essential oils or fragrance oils to the melted wax.

  4. Experiment with colours - To create unique candles, experiment with adding natural dyes or food colouring to the melted wax.

  5. Be cautious - When melting wax, it's important to be cautious and use a double boiler or a candle warmer to prevent fires.


Reusing candles is a great way to save money and reduce waste. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can repurpose old candles and create unique new ones. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or just looking for a way to be more eco-friendly, reusing candles is a great option.


1. Is it safe to reuse candles?

Yes, it is safe to reuse candles as long as you take the necessary precautions when melting the wax.

2. Can I mix different scents of wax?

It's best to avoid mixing scents as this can result in an unpleasant aroma.

3. Can I use a different type of wax for my new candle?

Yes, you can use a different type of wax as long as it is compatible with the container and wick you are using.

4. How long should I let the melted wax cool before pouring it into a new container?

It's best to let the melted wax cool for 10-15 minutes before pouring it into a new container.

5. Can I add fragrance to the melted wax?

Yes, you can add fragrance to the melted wax by using essential oils or fragrance oils.

Thank you!!

Meliora Decor

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